Classification of Cannabis
Mainly the Cannabis flower can be divided into 2
- Sativa
- Indica
In addition to these 2, you can also have a mixture of the 2 types which are known as hybrids. In these hybrids, different quantities of the 2 Cannabis types are used. The term hybrid refers to the fact that the new plant is a mix containing the Sativa and Indica strain.
There are many differences between these 2 strains of cannabis, from their general appearance to how they are grown. However, one of the most important differences is between the chemicals that each produce and what effects those chemicals have on the person.
- The Indica type most commonly produces somatic effects. Somatic refers to the physical symptoms one may have.
- It is the best fit for a quiet and relaxed time during the evenings or night for low activity, at home or before sleep.
- The appearance of the plant is stocky and short, containing wide leaves.
- The origin was previously said to be India; however, newer research shows that the origin of the plant may have been from Afghanistan.
- Is known to produce cerebral effects. They affect the brain and stimulate it.
- This type of cannabis is chosen in more social settings where you might need to be more physically active or productive. It is a great choice for situations where creativity might come into play.
- These pants are generally taller, up to 12 ft. They are slim with longer leaves.
- It originally came from countries closer to the equator, such as Mexico, Thailand etc.